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What’s New

Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice. The items are displayed by year and month. To view older entries use the links in the box below to select the year and month you would like.

Protect Your Vision: The Importance of UV Protection for Your Eyes

At Bay Bloor Optometry in Toronto, ON, we understand the importance of protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Living in a bustling city like Toronto, where you’re exposed to sunlight whether you’re walking down the street, enjoying a day in the park, or even driving,...

Understanding the Connection Between Diabetes and Your Vision

Understand the crucial connection between diabetes and eye health with Bay Bloor Optometry. Regular eye exams are essential for early detection and management of diabetes-related eye conditions, helping to prevent vision loss.

The Importance of Regular Glaucoma Screening

Learn why regular glaucoma screenings are crucial for maintaining eye health. Bay Bloor Optometry in Toronto, ON, offers expert screenings to detect and manage glaucoma early.

Protect Your Vision: Maximizing OHIP Benefits for Eye Care in 2023

Bay Bloor Optometry advises Torontonians to make the most of OHIP for eye care in 2023. OHIP covers annual eye exams for certain age groups and medical conditions, and potentially other eye-related issues. Regular check-ups are crucial for overall health, and Bay Bloor Optometry helps you navigate OHIP coverage for essential eye services. The practice offers a variety of frames and personalized care to match your style and needs.

Lifestyle Choices and Glaucoma: How to Lower Your Risk

Adopting a lifestyle that reduces glaucoma risk involves more than isolated actions—it's a holistic approach to nurturing your well-being. By weaving these practical tips into the fabric of your life, you can lower your risk of glaucoma and keep your eyes healthier for longer.

Regular Eye Exams: The Key to Eye Health and Preventing Eye Emergencies

Regular eye exams can detect eye diseases early, prevent emergencies, and help you safeguard your eyesight.

The Surge In Cosmetic Procedures During COVID Raises Eye Health Concerns


Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health

Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and conditions? It's true!

Presbyopia and Multifocal Contact Lenses

Blurry vision over age 40? Skip the reading glasses. Find out why multifocal contact lenses are ideal for presbyopia.

How to Travel With Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a great option for people who don't want to wear glasses when on the road, but do you know how to take care of them on the go? Before your next trip, book a contact lens assessment at Bay Bloor Optometry in Toronto

Protect Your Eyes With These Contact Lens Safety Tips

It's Contact Lens Safety Month, which makes it the perfect time to brush up on ways to keep your eyes and vision healthy when wearing contact lenses. Here are our top contact lens safety tips to keep your peepers happy.

Are Contact Lenses Safe For My Child?

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to protect your child’s vision. But you may be wondering if contact lenses are safe for kids. Read on to learn more about the risks and benefits of contact lenses for children.

Adjustable Glasses

Adjustable eyeglasses are an affordable non-prescription alternative to prescription eyeglasses or for the correction of minor refractive errors such as presbyopia, hyperopia (farsightedness) and myopia (nearsightedness).

June 27 Is National Sunglasses Day!

Here’s how you can celebrate National Sunglasses Day on June 27.

Can Fire Melt My Contacts Onto My Eye?

A piece of “common wisdom” that seems to be making the rounds these days is that you shouldn’t wear contact lenses at bonfires, barbecues or similar settings where fire may be present. The claim is that the extreme heat from the fire can cause the contact lenses to melt or...

Could Working From Home Be Hurting Your Vision?

Working at home has many benefits, but it can also trigger computer-related eye strain. Here are some proven ways to reduce digital eye strain, whether at home or in the office.

Myopia and Contact Lenses

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is about more than just poor eyesight. It can also pose a long-term threat to your kid’s vision and eye health.

What Exactly is an Eye Chart?

At some point in our lives, we've all had our eyes examined using an eye chart – whether during a school screening or at the optometrist's office. But what exactly is the chart and what does it measure? Read on to find out!

Concerned About Macular Degeneration? – Here Are 6 Tips to Lower your Risk

Macular degeneration is a major cause of vision loss. Here are 6 ways to help lower your risk of developing this sight-threatening condition.

6 Top Treatment Options for Presbyopia

Presbyopia is a condition that occurs as a person ages, which causes the lens of the eye to become less elastic. This results in issues with near vision for people 40 years old and over, which can cause difficulties with simple everyday tasks like reading, writing, or working on a...

10 Ways to Give Your Eyes Some Love This Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to give your eyes some love. Here are 10 ways you can give your eyes the attention they deserve, to protect them both now and in the future.

Why Is My Eyelid Twitching?

An eyelid twitch can develop for a number of reasons, and most of the time it’s not a cause for concern. Find out what may be causing your eye to twitch and what can relieve it.

What’s the Link Between Sleep and Glaucoma?

Too much sleep or a lack of sleep can increase the risks of developing glaucoma. It is important to be aware of risk factors and symptoms of glaucoma and to get regular eye exams.

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Eyesight

Did you know that pregnancy hormones can affect your vision? Read on to learn about the possible visual changes that some women may experience while expecting, and what warning signs to look out for.

5 Contact Lens Health Tips

If you wear contact lenses (other than daily disposable lenses), remember to rinse, disinfect and replace them regularly to prevent eye infections. Schedule a contact lens exam and fitting to ensure your lenses are right for you.

Wear Progressive Glasses? Transition To Multifocal Contact Lenses!

If you wear progressive glasses or have more than one prescription, you may want to consider switching to multifocal contact lenses. Read on to learn what multifocal contacts have to offer and if they could be right for you.

Why Back to School Eye Exams Are Important

With so many COVID-related changes this past year, the only thing that should remain constant is your child's back-to-school eye examinations.

5 Important Eye Care Tips For Kids

Eye care is just as important for children as it is for adults. The sooner you teach your children how to care for their eyes, the more likely they will be to ingrain these habits for life. Here are some tips for kids!

Risk Of Overusing Eye Drops

Eye drops are a great way to give your itchy, red, dry eyes relief. But if you use them too much you may be covering up a more serious eye condition. Learn the risks of overusing eye drops and what eye conditions you may have.

6 Ways To Maintain Eye Health If You’re Over 50

As we age our eyes start to change, but that doesn’t mean you have to struggle with declining vision. Find out what you can do to maintain eye health after the age of 50.

Protect Your Child’s Eyes with Sports Glasses

The last thing you want your child to experience while playing sports is an eye injury.  Save their vision with protective eyewear

Is It Really That Bad to Sleep or Shower In Contact Lenses?

If you wear contact lenses, you likely appreciate the freedom it provides. But did you know that wearing contact lenses in water or while sleeping can damage your eyes?

How’s Your Hand-Eye Coordination?

People who appear to be clumsy or react slowly to visual stimuli may actually have a problem with their hand-eye coordination. During a comprehensive eye exam your eye doctor can assess your hand-eye coordination and recommend ways to address any deficiencies. 

Why Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive To Light?

Since blue eyes contain very little melanin — a pigment that helps block out light, including the sun’s harmful UV rays and blue light — they often feel more sensitive to bright light. Find out more.

Allergy Season Is Here And Stronger Than Ever

Many people who suffer from allergies say their symptoms are more intense this year, and that allergy season arrived early. Here’s why. 

What You Should Know About Eye Herpes

Eye herpes can cause several uncomfortable symptoms and recurring flare-ups. In extreme cases, it can lead to blindness. Discover how your eye doctor can help.

What You Should Know About Night Blindness

Night blindness is not an eye disease. It’s a symptom of several conditions that can range from mild to severe. Learn more about night blindness and discover ways we can help.

The Surge In Cosmetic Procedures During COVID Raises Eye Health Concerns

The increased use of video conferencing due to COVID-19 has had a surprising impact: A boom in cosmetic procedures. Here’s why eye doctors are concerned about the eye health risks these procedures pose

Are Floaters and Flashes Dangerous?

Eye floaters are usually normal. But what causes them and when do they indicate a serious eye problem that needs emergency eye care?

Don’t Do These 11 Things If You Wear Daily Disposable Contacts!

Countless people around the world wear daily disposable contact lenses or dailies. These popular single-use lenses are removed and discarded at the end of each day, and a new, fresh pair is inserted the next morning. Used properly, dailies promote eye health, and they’re comfortable and convenient. Despite the many...

Why You Shouldn’t Visit the ER for Eye Emergencies During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been going above and beyond to ensure that people are receiving emergency eye care. If you're having an eye emergency call your Toronto optometrist first.

How to Disinfect Glasses to Help Prevent COVID-19

Coronavirus and Your Eyeglasses Did you know that our glasses (this includes the lenses and the frame) can potentially transfer viruses, such as COVID-19, to our eyes, nose, and mouth? This is because viruses — as well as bacteria —  are easily transferred from our surroundings to our hands and...

Coronavirus and Your Eyes – What You Should Know

As coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads around the world, health professionals are demanding that people limit their personal risk of contracting the virus by thoroughly washing their hands, practicing social distancing, and not touching their nose, mouth, or eyes. In fact, it may surprise you to learn that the eyes play an...

Visiting Your Optometrist During COVID-19

Is your eye doctor's appointment coming up? Are you worried about going to the eye clinic during the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Rest assured, keeping our patients and staff are safe is our top priority. We anticipate that this outbreak will continue for a while, and do not want our...

8 Ways to Protect Your Eyes at the Office

Everyone seems to be staring at a screen these days, whether their computer, their smartphone or another digital device. The stress it puts on your eyes can cause a condition called "digital eye strain" (DES) or "computer vision syndrome" (CVS). Symptoms include eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, neck...

3 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Vision and Eyes

Did you know that people with diabetes are 20 times more likely to get eye diseases than those without it? There are three major eye conditions that diabetics are at risk for developing: cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. To prevent these sight-threatening diseases, it's important to control your blood sugar...

Trouble Seeing at Night? All About Night Blindness

At this time of year when the sun sets earlier, many people are affected by night blindness. Night blindness or nyctalopia refers to difficulty seeing at night or in poor or dim lighting situations. It can be caused by a number of underlying conditions, sometimes completely benign and sometimes as...

Diet + Exercise + Eye Exams = Good Vision

Diabetes Awareness Month – Learn about Diabetic Eye Health in Toronto November is Diabetes Awareness Month, a time to learn more about diabetes of all types – type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Everyone knows the word “diabetes,” but can you define the condition? Diabetes is a disease characterized...

Fall is Here! Do You Wish You Could See the Leaves Changing Colour?

We offer specialized glasses for colour blindness in Toronto As autumn pushes the year forwards, everyone oohs and ahs over the fiery tones of the changing fall leaves set against a vivid backdrop of summer greenery. But if you have colour blindness, whether you visit or live in a location...

Is School Work Causing Computer Vision Syndrome in Your Child?

Eye health tips for students from our Toronto eye doctor The start of fall means back-to-school for kids of all ages – and our team at Bay Bloor Optometry wishes everyone a smooth and successful return to the classroom! When your child enters school after a summer of outdoor fun,...

Optometrist’s Warning: Beaching without eye protection can damage your vision

Tips on what to pack in your beach bag to keep your eyes safe Most people remember to bring a pair of sunglasses to the shore. But unbelievably, only 31% of Americans actually wears those sunglasses, according to a recent report by The Vision Council. So, the first advice from...

Help! My Child Doesn’t Want to Wear Glasses!

Do your kids need glasses in order to see clearly? Maybe they have a strong case of nearsightedness, perhaps they have astigmatism, or another type of refractive error. Whatever the cause, getting your kids to wear eyeglasses can be a parenting challenge. Casey Tepperman treats patients from all over Toronto, Ontario with...

Should You Be Worried About Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are actually more common that you may think. Many people notice specks or cobweb-like images moving around in their line of vision, at some point. Some even report experiencing a "snow globe effect" as if they are swatting at many imaginary bugs. Floaters may be an annoyance, but...

How to Encourage Young Kids to Wear their First Pair of Glasses

Your child's first pair of glasses will make an important difference in his or her ability to see and interact with the surrounding world. However, a new pair of glasses can also present a big adjustment for both parents and kids as you get used to a new look and...
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